Painting & Patronage regularly organises high profile special events for its friends and supporters throughout Saudi Arabia and across the world.
Each event aims to highlight and promote the diverse work and programme activities of Painting & Patronage on either a local, regional, national or international level. As Painting & Patronage is a non-profit organisation and does not receive direct government funding our special events are also held to raise funds for our programmes and activities.
Since 1999 special events such as royal receptions, luncheons, dinners, banquets, lecture series, as well as school, college and museum visits have been held throughout Saudi Arabia and across the world. Leading royal, governmental, and business figures have regularly our events. Among previous venues have included The Royal Palace in Riyadh, the University of London, the National Palace of Sintra, St James’s Palace, King Faisal Royal Palace, the University of Lisbon, the National Palace of Belem, the King Faisal Foundation, The Banqueting House of Whitehall Palace, the National Palace of Pena, The Prince’s Foundation in Shoreditch, Institut du Monde Arabe, Shell Centre, Brunei Gallery, the Houses of Parliament, the National Palace of Queluz, the Al-Faisaliah Centre and several diplomatic and private residences.